Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

The perpetual threat of clean and safe drinking water scarcity, water borne diseases, depletion of underground water resource, prevailing environmental, domestic and personal unhygienic conditions has exacerbated the situation in Pakistan. According to the report “Provision of safe drinking water; a new challenge to Pakistan Survival by Shaikh Abdul Rasheed” 38.5 million people in Pakistan have no access to clean and safe drinking water and its shortage is proliferating quickly. Pakistan was a water rich country just a few decades ago; however, a recent World Bank Report mentioned that Pakistan is now among the 17 countries that are currently facing water shortage. The report further elaborates, that because of the lack of clean drinking water, children are especially vulnerable to water-borne diseases such as diarrhea, worm infections, typhoid, and hepatitis A. Some of these diseases can have long term effects on physical, mental and educational development of children. According to a report of Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), the mortality rate children under-five due to ill-water conditions is 101 per 1000 children. Diarrheal infections kill 2 million every year. Unhygienic practices coupled with impure water usage cause a number of diseases. It adds more difficulties due to resultant high costing treatment for water-based illnesses.

Keeping in view the pathetic condition of WASH, the sector of improving WASH services is of immense importance for HUJRA, to contribute to the basic human rights to survival and development through promotion of WAHS services. Supporting the communities and relevant stakeholders in WASH to enhance equitable and sustainable access to, and use of, safe water and basic sanitation services, and promote improved hygiene are integral part of HUJRA WAHS programming. The approach of the WASH sector is based on fulfilling the basic needs of population to safe, clean drinking water and control the spreading of water and vector borne diseases thus reducing mortality and morbidity. The guiding principles of WASH program is aligned with SPHERE and HAP standards. The interventions comprise integrated WASH interventions and behavior change (CLTS, SLTS).

Thematic Objective:

Improving community based physical infrastructure through build back better approach for improved health, hygiene, sanitation, safe and clean drinking water to reduce mortality and morbidity among the marginalized and disadvantaged population.

Sub themes-social services-WASH

   a. Improving access to clean drinking water
   b. Disaster resilient WASH infrastructure
   c. Control and prevention of water and waste borne diseases through CLTS and SLTS

Cross cutting

Capacity development, climate change and environment, gender development and mainstreaming and advocacy, networking and awareness for the promotion water, sanitation and hygiene.