Governance and Rule of Law

Pakistan has significantly suffered due to conflicts and terrorism for the last three decades. Due to the fragile security situation of the country, the social fabric of the society has been weakened and has adversely affected the efficacy of governance system/ structures. Communities’ active participation and active engagement of citizen is extremely important for social cohesion good governance in Pakistan. HUJRA initiated partnership with different donors and joined networks during the past. HUJRA main focus is on three pillars of governance i.e. accountability, participation and transparency.

Thematic Objective:

Improving democratic governance, legal and justice system through capacity development, awareness raising and networking for promotion of accountability and transparency at all layers of society.

Sub themes Governance :

   a. Legal Aid and ADR (Alternate Dispute Resolution)
   b. Social cohesion
   c. Minority Rights
   d. Community Policing
   e. Electoral Reforms
   f. Institutional Development
   g. Gender Based Violence

Cross cutting :

Advocacy and awareness about basic human rights, gender mainstreaming, capacity development, networking and protection.