Thematic Objective:

Increasing contribution to food security, community resilience, disaster preparedness and sustainable livelihoods through long term, impact-oriented programming.


A population is food secure when all people at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet the dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Agriculture is the major assets of livelihoods and absorbs 44.7 percent of the country’s total labor force. The agriculture sector is the mainstay of the rural economy and contributes 21.8 percent to Pakistan’s GDP. Keeping in view the multi-dimensional factors for food insecurity, vulnerability to disasters and low level of community resilience, Food Security, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and agriculture-based sustainable livelihoods are the major thematic area for HUJRA. Due to growing importance and focus on INRM planning and implementation, HUJRA has also capitalized in some of the activities in FSL especially cash for work, food for work, agriculture production enhancement program, Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) and community capacity development on vocational trainings. Besides, the challenges of food insecurity and exposure to natural and manmade disasters, Pakistan is heading toward serious water crises (Understanding Pakistan Water Security Nexus by Peace Works United States Institute of Peace). According to the report, overuse and misuse, the country is facing declining water availability and quality, growing water pollution, and overall environmental insecurity. Water shortages may well pose the greatest future threat to the viability of Pakistan’s economy. Building resilience of the communities to cope with depleting water resources and climate change is an integral part of water security.

Sub themes Food security, DRR and agriculture livelihoods

  a. INRM (Integrated Natural Resource Management) of the green sectors (agriculture, livestock, agro-forestry, forest resources, fisheries and apiculture)
  b. Enterprise development, value chain development and market linkages
  c. Technical and vocational trainings
  d. Restoration and development of agriculture infrastructure
  e. CBDRM (Community Based Disaster Risk Management and SBDRM (School Based Disaster Risk Reduction)
  f. Water security and water governance

Cross cutting

Capacity development, Climate change and environment, Gender development and mainstreaming, Advocacy, networking and awareness as cross cutting themes.