
According to the IPRI report on “Education System of Pakistan; issues, problems and challenges” Pakistan is lagging behind in achieving its SDGs of education. The SDGs have laid down two goals for education sector; goal two of universal primary education and goal three of Promoting Gender Equality and Women Empowerment. The major causes of low literacy in Pakistan are economic disparity, gender inequality, population growth and lack of quality education policy, planning and its implementation. The report reveals that most out-of-school children are in Balochistan while more than half of the country’s out-of-school children live in Punjab. It is harder for girls to go to school who make up more than half of all out-of-school children. Around 70% of children out-of-school have never been to a school. Girls mostly drop out of school to help with work while children from poor families far more likely to be out of school.

Civil society organizations have a greater role to improve the state of education in Pakistan. HUJRA implemented school infrastructure improvement and school enrolment enhancement program in KP. Keeping in view the dismal condition of education especially girls primary education, primary education is identified as one of the program theme for HUJRA. Non formal education is an important area in education for HUJRA keeping in view the geographic areas of HUJRA and related essentiality of this type of education. NFE is also a growing priority for the Government and major donor agency, therefore HUJRA is focusing on the theme in its educational program. The objectives of initiating non-formal system in the organizational context are to ensure that the children are being provided the facility of education in rural areas of KP and NMDS.

Thematic Objective:

Improving the state of primary education, health and nutrition among the most vulnerable segments of the rural population through tangible and intangible interventions.

Sub themes in Education

  a. Schools based infrastructure and WASH facilities.
  b. School enrolment
  c. Teachers training

Cross cutting

Environmental Education, gender mainstreaming, capacity development and advocacy, networking, and awareness for the promotion of education.

List of Education Projects

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Health and Nutrition

According to FAO “Nutrition and Consumer Protection Report” the situation of health and nutrition of Pakistan remains inadequate particularly in rural areas. The under-five mortality rate, an important index of health and nutritional status of a community, is high by international standards i.e. 137 for 1,000 births. A large number of infectious diseases such as respiratory and intestinal infections remain responsible for up to 50% of deaths of children under five, with malnutrition being an aggravating factor especially in the most populated areas.

As an important theme, HUJRA is playing its role in improving health and nutrition situation in Pakistan. HUJRA has the experience of partnership with Government of KP in Sehat Cards Distribution . Health and nutrition especially awareness raising about vaccination and immunization, family planning, control and prevention of epidemic and infectious diseases, assisting the govt. disease surveillance program, infant, child and mother nutrition are the main areas of intervein for HUJRA.

Sub Themes in Health and Nutrition

   a. IYCF (Infant and Young Child Feeding)
   b. Mother and child health
   c. School based health program
   d. CMAM (Community Based Management of Acute Malnourished)
   e. Social Health Protection
   f. Reproductive Health

Cross cutting

Cross cutting for health and nutrition sectors are advocacy and awareness about health and nutrition, gender mainstreaming in health and education, and capacity development of stakeholders.

List of Health Projects

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